Atepo FG18
Odorless pharmaceutic oil


group: Lubricating oils

subgroup: Farmaceutic grade oils

application: Polygraphy, Food industry, Textile industry

colour: colourless   |   odour: odourless   |   viscosity at 40°C: 13 ÷ 18 cSt   |   working temperature: -10°C ÷ 90°C   |   flash point: 200°C

MP, HS, LV, FM         

Atepo FG18 is a versatile pharmaceutical grade lubricating oil designed for use where there is a possibility of incidental food contact.

It is used in the food industry, food packaging, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, plastics industry and textile industry for the lubrication of knitting machines.





Density at 20°C, g/cm3

0,84 ± 0,02

Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, cSt

14 ÷ 22

Flash point, °C


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