Atepo Z-12
Cleaner for glue remains


group: Cleaning and protective agents

subgroup: Aerosol form

application: Embroidery, Polygraphy, Textile industry


Cleaner ATEPO Z-12 effectively removes the remnants of embroidery adhesive MP, MP-2, MP-3.

It can be used as a universal agent for dissolving oil stains, mineral or synthetic origin.

ATEPO Z-12 is a composition of selected organic compounds. Its composition does not contain chlorine compounds neither aromatic hydrocarbons.

It is characterized by a mild pleasant smell.

  • In the chemical industry, laboratories, automotive, mechanical workshops for removing oil stains.
  • In the textile industry for cleaning machinery and equipment and for removing dirt caused by the use of adhesives for embroidery or screen printing.
  • To remove glue stains from parts of the human body and the garment.
  • To loosen seized screw connections.

Apply Atepo Z-12 to the cleaned surfaces from a distance of several centimeters, and leave for about one minute. Spot sprayed with Atepo Z-12 can be easily cleaned with paper or fabric towels. The product does not leave stains and deposits on the cleaned surfaces.

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