Midaten PET-6
Washing agent for PET petals recycling


group: Washing agents

subgroup: PET petals recycling

application: Plastic moulding, Recycling

colour: straw yellow   |   pH: 13,5 ± 0,5   |   water miscible

Midaten PET-6 is used for bath preparation for machine washing PET flakes in recycling plants of this material.

Midaten PET-6 is an aqueous, strongly alkaline solution of highly biodegradable ionic and non-ionic surfactants and the additives preventing redeposition of dirt.

  • Easy removal of residual adhesive used to stick labels.
  • Washed petal has a shiny surface.
  • The tap water can be used for washing process.


straw yellow

Density at 20°C, g/cm3

1,12 ± 0,03


13,5 ± 0,5

Cloud point of 2,5% solution, °C



more than 90% of active ingredients

Miscibility with water

in any ratio

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