Washable synthetic oil in aerosol form


group: Lubricating oils

subgroup: Emulsiable oils in aerosol

application: Embroidery, Textile industry, Plastic moulding

spray   |   viscosity at 40°C: 75cSt   |   working temperature: -40°C ÷ 180°C   |   water emulsifiable

Synteksol oil is a composition of selected synthetic oils plus antioxidant, antiwear and anticorrosion additives.

Used for the lubrication of medium loaded rolling bearings and sliding joints.

Stability range of oil Synteksol from -40°C up to 180°C.

Developed for lubricating machines in textile industry due to high washable properties.

Suitable for moving parts of moulds in plastic moulding industry.

Synteksol is characterized by excellent adhesion to the friction surface which ensures a very long time between lubrication.

Density at 20°C, g/cm3

0,98 ± 0,02

Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, cSt


Viscosity index


Flash point, °C


Copper corrosion after 24h at 100°C


4-ball weld load, N


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