Midaten FW-10
Daily cleaning for water based inks - dilution up to 1:30


group: Washing agents

subgroup: Flexography for water based inks

application: Polygraphy

colour: red   |   pH: 11,0 ± 0,5   |   water miscible

Midaten FW-10 is used to wash photopolymer printing plates, anilox rollers, as well as inking systems and other parts contaminated with water based flexo inks.

  • High removal efficiency of all kinds of water-based paints, also these dried.
  • Possibility of dilution with water in a ratio of up to 1:30 (depending on the used paints) without loss of efficacy.
  • Effective with tap water.
  • Suitable for cleaning ink systems in a closed circuit and other parts of flexo presses.
  • Biodegradable.

Most common water-based inks

dilution up to 1:30

Gold and silver water-based inks

undiluted or dilution up to 1:1

Photopolymer printing plates

dilution up to 1:25

Ink systems

dilution up to 1:25

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