Gasmeter oil L-23
Oil for turbine gas meters


group: Products

subgroup: Gas meters oils

application: Gas industry

viscosity at 20°C: 22 ± 2 cSt   |   viscosity at 40°C: 11 ± 1 cSt   |   working temperature: -50°C÷180°C

LT, HS, BIO, LV         

Fully synthetic oil with excellent antiwear and rheological properties.

Resistant to oxidation; does not change its parameters during operation.

Very good viscosity index means that can be used in a wide temperature range.


light yellow



Density at 20°C, g/cm3

0,92 ± 0,03

Operating temperature range, °C

-50 ÷ 180

Kinematic viscosity at 20°C, cSt

22 ± 1

Kinematic viscosity at 40°C, cSt

11 ± 1

Flash point, °C


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