ACTOL SN12 is used to etching stains on articles made of stainless steel.
ACTOL SN12 is a mixture of acidic products, surfactants, thickeners and additives.
- Storage stable texture - the product will not stratify. It does not require mixing before use.
- Thanks to the consistency of paste can be applied to vertical surfaces.
- Removes stains and discoloration from stainless steel produced during welding, cutting, etc.
Apply a thin layer of product on the surface to be cleaned, wait, then remove the product from the surface by washing thoroughly with water. In the end wipe with a dry, soft cloth and secure steel with ACTOL SN2.
The thickness of applied layer of ACTOL SN12 and etching time depends on the extent and size of discoloration.
ACTOL SN12 can be applied with a plastic trowel or brush. During application, wear protective gloves.
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