Lubinar 1120
Universal multipurpose grease


group: Professional greases

subgroup: Multipurpose

application: Mechanics and heavy industry, Automotive industry

colour: light brown   |   NLGI: 2   |   worked penetration at 25°C: 265 ÷ 295   |   working temperature: -30°C ÷ 120°C (max 130°C)

MP, CR         

LUBINAR 1120 is a high performance grease for general use, both in industry and automotive applications. It is widely used in rolling and sliding bearings.

Operating temperature range from -30°C to +120°C and maximum +130°C.

Grease LUBINAR 1120 provides excellent corrosion protection, which allows for lubrication of bearings even in a humid environment.

It is characterized by excellent adhesion to the surface in friction which ensures a very long time between lubrications.

  • Wide range of applications.
  • Good mechanical stability.
  • Excellent corrosion protection.


light brown

NLGI grade


Density at 20°C, g/cm3

0,94 ± 0,02

60 stroke worked penetration at 25°C, mm×10-1

265 ÷ 295

Drop Point,°C


Oil separation after 7days at 40°C, %


Copper corrosion after 24h at 100°C


4-ball weld load, N


4-ball wear scar (1h at 400N), mm


Flow pressure at -35°C, hPa


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