Midaten PP
Washing agent - active foam


group: Washing agents

subgroup: For professional use

application: Chemical laboratories, Mechanics and heavy industry, Automotive industry, Petrochemical industry

colour: straw   |   pH: 12,0 ± 0,5   |   water miscible

Midaten PP is used for cleaning the surface of glass, ceramics, lacquer, stone contaminated with petroleum substances. Thanks to the appropriately selected composition, even surfaces covered with old oxidized dirt are easy to clean.

Midaten PP can be used in various ways: with atomizers, the foam producing devices, and high-pressure devices for manual cleaning.

  • High efficiency of removing any dirt including the oil.
  • Thoroughly removes impurities of silicone pastes - among others Silicone gel H.
  • Can be used in analytical laboratories.





Density at 20°C, g/cm3

1,10 ± 0,05


12,0 ± 0,5


more than 90% of active ingredients

Miscibility with water

in any ratio

Dilution, atomizers


Dilution, foam devices

1:15 ÷ 1:25

Dilution, manual cleaning


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