Atepo GL
Water based glue for screen printing worktops


group: Products

subgroup: Glues/Adhesives

application: Polygraphy, Textile industry

colour: white   |   water miscible

Atepo-GL is an universal screen printing adhesives. It can be applied to the cold and hot tops.

It is an aqueous adhesive to temporarily connect the fabric to the top.

Atepo-GL provides excellent and long-lasting adhesion of the fabric to the table during a direct screen printing.

  • Provides excellent grip of the fabric to the top when printed.
  • Prevents sliding of material on the worktop, which allows for precise printing.
  • Allows multiple detachment and attachment of fabric without losing its properties.
  • Do not leave any marks on the fabric.
  • An aqueous polymer dispersion makes the product non-flammable, harmless to the environment and user-friendly - no irritating or noxious solvent fumes.
  • The product is miscible with water and biodegradable.
  • For application by brush or spray gun.

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