Lubinar WR 4320
Modern water resistant grease


group: Professional greases

subgroup: Water Resistant

application: Building, Forestry, Mechanics and heavy industry, Automotive industry, Agriculture

colour: yellow   |   NLGI: 2   |   worked penetration at 25°C: 265 ÷ 295   |   working temperature: -20°C ÷ 120°C (max 130°C)

EP, LS, HL, WR, CR+, CLS         

LUBINAR WR 4320 is a modern general purpose grease for use in the navy, forestry, agriculture, and construction vehicles and machinery. It is used in industry, especially in places where there is exposure to corrosion and washout by water.

LUBINAR WR 4320 is well suited for the lubrication of bearings operating in wet and aggressive environments. It has excellent water resistance and adhesion to the surface.

Operating temperature range is from -20°C to +120°C, maximum +130°C.

  • Excellent resistance to water and washing out.
  • Very good adhesion.
  • Excellent corrosion protection.
  • Ability to carry heavy loads.
  • Exceptional resistance to momentary very high loads.
  • Despite the high viscosity of the base oil it can be used in most central lubrication systems.



NLGI grade


Density at 20°C, g/cm3

0,94 ± 0,02

60 stroke worked penetration at 25°C, mm×10-1

265 ÷ 295

Drop Point,°C


Oil separation after 7days at 40°C, %


Copper corrosion after 24h at 100°C


4-ball weld load, N


4-ball wear scar (1h at 400N), mm


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